Food For Life Vrindavan director Rupa Raghunath Das, a dear friend of Shyamdas and fellow Braj upasak, created this lovely video commemorating the feast held in honor of Shyamdas two weeks after his passing. The feast was sponsored by Equal Vision Records in Shyamdas’s memory.
The clip shows an FFLV presenter describing Shyamdas’s rich devotional life and impact on the world of kirtan and Krishna bhakti, and then asking the children to observe a moment of silence, followed by a heart-lifting chorus of “Jai Jai Shri Radhe!!!”
Shyamdas donated to the many charitable works carried out by FFLV in Braj. The Shyamdas Foundation continues to contribute to FFLV as a way to carry forth Shyamdas’s vision and bhava for Braj and to support the health, education, and well-being of the many girls and villagers served by FFLV.
Category: Documentary, Video Recordings Created by: Rupa Raghunath Das
Featuring: FFLV, Equal Vision Records, Madhuji, Dr. Kamayini
Event Name: Food for Life Vrindavan feast