Image | Title | Tags | Excerpt |
Ecstatic Couplets: The Yugal Gita | couplets, Gusainji, poetry, Sanskrit, Subodhini, Tippani, Vallabh | The Gopis seek their Beloved Krishna in the forests of Vraja, singing 12 couplets that are jewels of devotional teaching | |
In Praise of Vallabh | book, Gujarati, literature, poetry, Vallabh, Vrindavan | Ecstatic and romantic poems in praise of Vrindavan | |
Ocean of Grace | book, guru, literature, Ocean of Grace, poetry, Prathameshji, satsang | The Teachings of His Holiness Goswami Shri Prathameshji | |
The Poems of Rasakhan: Treasure House of Love (2nd ed. forthcoming, 2018) | book, Brajbhasha, poetry, Rasakhan, translation | The poetry of Rasakhan, a 16th century, Muslim-born, ecstatic Krishna follower | |
Call of the Flute | Bhagavatam, commentary, Gita, philosophy, poetry, Sanskrit, Vallabhacharya | Glimpse the effect of Shri Krishna’s bewitching flute song |